As of January 1, 2025, it is illegal to buy and use corking solution without a permit, a decision taken by the Chemicals Inspectorate.
The ban applies to plug solutions that contain sodium or potassium hydroxide in such a concentration that they are classified in the danger class Corrosive to the skin in danger category 1A.
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– As a private person, you may no longer use caustic clog removers that contain sodium or potassium hydroxide without permission from the county administrative board, says Susanna Norrthon Risbergadvisor at the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate, in an interview with News24and continues:
– This applies even if you still have old packaging that you bought before the turn of the year when the new requirements came into effect.
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This means that even the plugging solution purchased during 2024 must not be poured down the sink. If you defy the ban, you may be obliged to pay dearly.
– If you as a private person use highly corrosive corkscrews without a permit, you are guilty of environmental crime. This could lead to fines. How high the fine will be is determined on a case-by-case basis, says Norrthon Risberg.
In order to get permission to buy and use corking solution, it is necessary to contact the county administrative board. The application fee is 990 kroner and the county administrations give notice within eight weeks. Permits last for a maximum of five years.
READ MORE: Plug solution is prohibited – you should use that instead
Here you must leave the old plug solution
Where should you then use the old cork solution that you have?
Norrthon Risberg recommends throwing away old plug solution, but not just anywhere.
– We advise you to hand in the products as hazardous waste to the municipality’s waste facility, she tells Nyheter24.
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