(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) voluntary promoted by BPM desk on all of the ordinary shares of Soulthe offeror communicated that the Presidency of the Council of Ministers has forwarded the resolution of the Council of Ministers with which the proposal of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to non-exercise of the powers of the Golden Power.
To date, both the effectiveness condition connected to the unconditional approval of theAGCM to the acquisition of control of Anima by the offeror, already communicated in December 2024, and the effectiveness condition connected to the non-exercise of special powers pursuant to the Golden Power legislation.
As regards the condition of effectiveness relating to the positive feedback from the ECB regarding the confirmation that Banco BPM can continue to apply the so-called “Danish Compromise“, the evaluations by the ECB are continuing, which include the involvement of the European Banking Authority.