At the beginning of the year, Netflix launched the German offshoot of Love Is Blind for the first time. After a total of nine episodes, three couples finally ventured to the altar, with only Ilias and Alina saying yes in the end. Last Sunday there was the big reunion of the candidates and that was something special:
Fans are shocked by the broadcast.
Love Is Blind: Germany Reunion: This happened
The first season of Love Is Blind: Germany was filmed over a year ago. The broadcast only took place this year. On Sunday, the candidates, who were engaged at the time, met again. The show will be discussed in the big reunion.
In particular, the love triangle – or quadrilateral – between Hanni, Ilias, Alina and Daniel was heavily discussed. The focus was primarily on the former real estate agent Hanni, who had to justify her behavior on the show. In addition, scenes that did not make it to broadcast were shown. The pictures showed Hanni in conversations with Ilias in which she was supposedly flirting with him. Hanni was also confronted with hate comments from the internet: she only wanted to be on television and only took part in the show for Fame. Hanni’s reaction: “People didn’t understand that everyone can be who they want to be. I wear what I wear because I like it. The allegations, “The fact that I only care about fame has been haunting me for a long time.”
The other candidates doubted their credibility. Jen is no longer sure whether Hanni really took part in the format because of love. Alina agreed because she was especially sorry for Daniel, who was the one who suffered. Ilias further accused Hanni of only flirting with him for a specific reason: “You shamelessly took advantage of the fact that I liked you – because you wanted attention.”
Hanni sheepishly explained that she no longer felt like justifying herself and assured that her feelings for Daniel were genuine. Shortly afterwards – when asked about her future plans – she confirmed that she was no longer working as a real estate agent would like to go on television in the future.
Fans shocked by the reunion: “So inhumane”
Fans of the show find it anything but good that Hanni in particular was the focus of the allegations. On the contrary: Netflix and the presenter duo Stephanie Brungs and Chris Wackert-Brungs are being sharply criticized. The fans vented their anger shortly after the reunion on the streaming service’s official Instagram account:
Can’t find words for this behavior. I’m completely shocked how you can treat a person so inhumanely.
Another viewer went one step further and accused the production of “Providing a platform for bullying”. Other users clearly supported Hanni and questioned the behavior of the moderators:
The moderation was the worst thing I have ever seen and so did everyone who jumped on it. Showing off a beautiful, successful woman so consciously is incredible. No matter what happened behind the scenes, it absolutely didn’t work.
The moderators had pushed Hanni into a corner with their confrontation and only intervened when “Hanni is traumatized and it was obviously transgressive.”