Since Monday January 20, SNCF has been testing new ticket control technology. A system in collaboration with the France Identity application which should be deployed to all travelers soon.

Since Monday January 20 SNCF has been testing new ticket

Since Monday January 20, SNCF has been testing new ticket control technology. A system in collaboration with the France Identity application which should be deployed to all travelers soon.

A revolution on track. Train journeys, like all passenger transport, are subject to the obligation to have a ticket validating a reservation and a seat. When checking tickets by staff, you are generally asked to present your ticket and in certain cases, your discount card, or even your identity card. A habit which will gradually be lost following the new ticket control system unveiled by the SNCF.

From now on, “no longer need to present your train ticket and identity document”, in a single gesture both checks will be carried out, as explained by the railway company. In fact, following a partnership between the SNCF and the France Identity application, the control of travelers will be carried out entirely via the government application, details TF1 Info. Please note, however, that this control system is only available for travelers with the new National Identity Card.

© Screenshot France Identity

A test phase on the TGV InOui

According to the channel, since January 20, SNCF has launched a test phase of its new control system on TGV InOui journeys. To ensure the proper functioning of this innovation, travelers are invited to download the France Identity application before getting on the train.

The SNCF then details the procedure to follow:

  1. Go to the France Identity application and click on identity card so that it is displayed in digital format.
  2. Swipe so that an activation message appears.
  3. Enter your personal code and add your identity card to the application with the phone’s NFC functionality.
  4. Once the identity card has been added to your France Identity account, all you have to do is wait for the check on board the train.

So, when an SNCF agent asks you for your ticket, all you need to do is open the France Identity application, click on your identity card and show the QR code displayed on your screen. This QR code contains the traveler’s last name, first name and date of birth.

With this new control system, it will no longer be necessary to present your identity document in addition to the transport ticket. An innovation which is undoubtedly part of the modernization of the company and a quest for speed of its services, which are too often criticized. The railway company announced that the test phase would last “several weeks” before gradual implementation “for all customers using the France Identity application.”
