Processed red meat may increase the risk of dementia

The study from Harvard Medical School includes over 130,000 people that the researchers have followed for four decades.

– Based on that data, we see that people with higher intakes of processed red meat have a higher risk of dementia, of subjective cognitive impairment and poorer cognitive functions, says Daniel Wang at Harvard Medical School, according to Time.

Even a moderate intake has an effect, the study shows. For those who eat the equivalent of two slices of bacon and a hot dog, the risk of dementia increases by 13 percent. And the more meat a person eats – the greater the risk.

The Swedish Food Agency’s recommendation

The Swedish Food Agency’s recommendation is a maximum of 500 grams per week, corresponding to four meat meals. But according to the study, even small changes, such as choosing other protein sources for the meal, can have a big impact on your cognitive ability.

– Reducing your intake, even just a little, will provide cognitive health benefits. The sooner you do it, the better, says Wang.

The results of the study do not apply to unprocessed red meat.
