If you follow this method, the parts of rock paper scissors will no longer have any secrets for you.
How to win at rock paper scissors? Little does anyone know, there is a very simple technique capable of increasing your chances of success. This method was revealed by a study in the field of cycles and conditioned responses, coordinated by researchers from a Chinese university. Together, they studied the strategic choices of 360 players during 300 games. Because in fact, chifoumi – the other name of this little game – is not dictated only by chance! Behind him lies a range of different probabilities and behaviors.
In the rules, there are three game options, giving a probability of 33% chance for each item. But in reality, there is nothing undeniable about these statistics. Unless you are facing a chifoumi professional, most of your opponents are likely to start with stone: this is what the data collected by the study shows. Statistically, if you start with the sheet of paper, you will have a better chance of winning.
Another important note: a player rarely uses the same move three times in a row. It’s up to you to remain vigilant by taking into account the number of recurring moves played by your opponent.
During their observations, the researchers also discovered that the participants tended to develop the same strategy as the games progressed. If he wins, a player will have a greater chance of repeating the action that made him win. And if he loses, he will, on the contrary, be more likely to change his action. Researchers call it the “win-stay, lose-change” strategy.
If your opponent follows this method, statistically, it is therefore advisable to play the scissors in the second round. If you win though, don’t keep playing the same thing. If you vary, your opponent will be less likely to predict your next move. Behind the apparent simplicity of chifoumi, psychological mechanisms common to humankind are ultimately hidden. It’s up to you to use them to your advantage in your next games.