Discovering TRM with a training course by Arpa Piemonte and Eduiren

Discovering TRM with a training course by Arpa Piemonte and

(Finance) – It opened in recent days, with an event atplant TRMthe training course “Let’s discover environmental epidemiology”, promoted by ARPA Piedmont in collaboration with Eduiren. The meeting, which involved two classes of the scientific-applied sciences high school ofIIS Galilei-Ferrari of Turinmade it possible to illustrate to students the health surveillance system linked to the waste-to-energy plant: in particular, the operation of the plant, the monitoring and control systems and the analyzes on fumes, water, noise and soil which are carried out were illustrated daily by TRM at the plant and in the surrounding area.

The day was also an opportunity for discussion with the technicians of Arpa Piemonte, TRM and Eduiren, who answered the questions and curiosities of Boys And girls: a concrete opportunity, therefore, to discover the virtuous cycle of waste and how this, through the activity of a plant like the Turin waste-to-energy plant and the joint activity of TRM and Arpa combines sustainability, safety and protection of the ecosystem.

The series of meetings will continue in the coming weeks at the Arpa offices, with a focus on the SPoTT project (Surveillance on the health of the population near the Turin waste-to-energy plant), presenting the methodologies used for health surveillance and the results obtained. The initiative is part of the project “Open Schools 2025”, the training offer of Arpa Piemonte.
