“Um, guys… I think I’m dead.” – words you don’t like to hear during an honor run in Baldur’s Gate 3. During the last gaming session with her friends, MeinMMO author Caroline Fuller was suddenly confronted with an initially puny opponent, who quickly made her heart sink.
What happened? As a group in online and couch co-op with my friends, we are well on our way to beating Honor mode in Baldur’s Gate 3 so far. After many exciting and nerve-wracking boss fights, difficult decisions and accidental altercations, we have made it to the third act of the game.
At the last game evening, we, as a morally “flexible” group, decided to enrich ourselves with the treasures of the Counting House. Although we triggered the alarm, we were able to defeat all the guards who got in our way in an hour-long battle.
Inspired by success and the fresh level increase in our pockets, we got to work looting the boats in the harbor behind the building.
We split up to crack as many chests as quickly as possible. Suddenly the paladin reports to the group from a boat off to the side – he is suffering from seasickness?
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What’s the deal with the boat? Upon boarding the boat, called The Lustrous Lass, we all failed a saving throw one by one and were infected with sea plague. A warning? – Maybe, but we kept looking around.
Dead bodies litter the deck, each with cryptic notes in their inventory. Just notes and no gold? – Uninteresting.
But a chest catches our attention, which we open immediately without hesitation.
A small Imp emerges from the chest and we get involved in a fight. Nobody was particularly worried, after all, experience shows that an Imp is not a dangerous opponent. The fact that the Imp level 12 and its color is something special doesn’t impress us much. Until one of us starts to strike.
Immediately after the blow, our paladin falls over. He lost 93 HP in response and began his death saving throws. From that moment on we knew things were getting serious.
What makes the Imp so powerful? Finally we examined the Imp more closely. He has the ability Caustic Retort, which causes damage dealt to him to be reflected back to the attacker at three times the amount. Furthermore, the seasickness meant that our group had a disadvantage on checks, saving throws and attack rolls. Slowly but surely we became nervous. We didn’t heal or refill our spell slots after the fight against the guards. Nobody expected another confrontation.
How do you defeat the Imp? After constantly attacking, helping and reviving, accompanied by panicked comments, we managed to defeat the little Imp by hook or by crook. The seasickness disappeared and we immediately went back to camp. It could have been so much easier.
Players on Reddit report that the Imp can be thrown overboard due to its small size. Although it has wings, throwing it into the water appears to incapacitate the undead creature. That would have been much more relaxed than worrying about our honor run. MeinMMO editor Sophia Weiss reported on this solution last year, but unfortunately none of us had it on our minds.
What do I learn from this? Especially in Honor mode, pride comes before a fall. It is therefore important to prepare, to rest regularly and, above all, to curb your reckless arrogance. What good is the gold if the whole team dies as a result?
Will I use these tips on myself in the future? Probably, but uncertain. Preparing for every possible interaction and consequence in a game like Baldur’s Gate 3 can not only inhibit the enjoyment of the experience, but is simply easier said than done. Even after hundreds of hours, players come across “new” content that was never actually hidden: “Now I feel like an idiot” – 10 tips in Baldur’s Gate 3 that are actually obvious, but which many players only discover late