England | The Maguire family, victims of a practical joke about a bomb threat

England The Maguire family victims of a practical joke

What could have been a major scare has ended up becoming a practical joke. the british daily The Sun He reported that Harry Maguire, captain of Manchester United and international with the English team, had received a bomb threat at his family home, where he lives with his fiancée Fern Hawkins and their two daughters. Likewise, the media stated that, once the news was known through the footballer’s environment, “Cheshire police have sent sniffer dogs to the mansion” to investigate what happened. However, it is a practical joke that has traveled all over England.

Harry Maguire is being the center of criticism from Red Devils fans this season. After the 4-0 defeat against Liverpool, the English defender was singled out again. But Manchester United fans aren’t the only ones who have been unhappy with Maguire’s performance. During the past month of March, Wembley booed the English centre-back during a match with the England national teamhaving to leave both the coach Gareth Southgate and several of his teammates in his defense at the end of it.
