19-year-old charged with preparation for murder – obsessed with Dexter

Prosecutor’s theory: 18-year-old girl target • “He talked about murder all the time”

At the small folk high school in Norrland, it is said that a male student usually walks around with a knife on him. Several others at the school testify to how afraid they are of him.

When rumors say that he wants to kill a teacher, the police are alerted – who quickly decide to carry out a visitation of the 19-year-old’s student room.

A small arsenal of weapons is found in a bag by the bed. Knives and saws are mixed with silver tape and plastic bags.

In addition, it appears that the 19-year-old allegedly threatened a female student at the school on several occasions.

Charged with preparation for murder

Everything was discovered in September last year and has now led to the man being charged, suspected of, among other things, preparing to murder the female schoolmate.

At one point, he is said to have straddled her with a saw in hand and threatened to saw off her wrists. He also talked about covering her eyes with duct tape.

In questioning, the woman said that she then and then thought she was going to die.

– It was probably the most horrible thing I’ve been part of, she said.

“He talked about murder all the time”

According to court prosecutor Catharina Kjelsson, the man’s intention was to kill or seriously injure the woman, and that is also why he acquired rubber gloves, saws, knives, a robber’s hat and a face mask.

The 19-year-old has also googled information on how to kill and dispose of a person. Besides that, he has told many people close to him about his fascination with the television series Dexter, which is about a serial killer employed by the police.

– He talked about murder all the time. How he would kill people, the female schoolmate told in interrogation.

Denies the allegations

The 19-year-old man, who is also suspected of several different child pornography crimes, has denied the charges.

He has explained that he has not felt safe and therefore walked around town with a weapon because “anything can happen”.
