What is a herniated disc? What should we pay attention to in lumbar hernia? Can lumbar hernia be treated?

What is a herniated disc What should we pay attention

The basic pathology underlying the herniation of the disc is the rupture of the ring-shaped ligament structure in the posterior part and the movement of the structure inside the canal through this opening. Some sudden movements and strains can cause herniated disc. Especially heavy lifting can put a lot of pressure on the lumbar vertebrae, and as a result of this, you should be careful because herniation may occur. Dr. Dinçer Erdinç gave information about the subject.


Contrary to popular belief, only 5% of herniated disc cases are actually surgical. This means that 95% of them can be cured with non-surgical treatment methods.

With the combination of a personalized holistic approach and patient-specific complementary therapy, more and more successful results are obtained in cases of herniated disc.

Many lumbar hernia patients regain their health thanks to new treatment systems that shrink the hernia area that has burst or overflowed and presses on the nerve root, thus eliminating nerve pressure.

These methods must be applied by authorized medical doctors of the Ministry who have received GETAT training.
