Last week, we announced the arrival, on the fiction side, of Haruki Murakami (The City of Uncertain WallsBelfond), which today climbs to 1st place, by Jean Echenoz with Bristol (Midnight, 7th) and Lisa Gardner (Last EveningAlbin Michel, 8th), and here, in this week from January 6 to 12 (according to Edistat), no less than four new arrivals: Vanessa Springora, who publishes Surname (Grasset), indeed propels itself to 5th place. The author of Consent (The Pocket Book) explores the mystery of his last name. Initially, then, the father, a mythomaniac temperament, and his name, then the grandfather, of whom she does not know whether he joined the Wehrmacht or whether he was forcibly conscripted…
Behind Vanessa Springora, another novelist, Camille Laurens, whose new novel, Your promise (Gallimard, 14th), deals with finesse with the strings of romantic influence. Philippe Besson is also one of the lucky entrants with, too, a very contemporary societal subject, the harassment of young people. Tell you about my son (Julliard, 16th) is a powerful indictment against ordinary violence, stupidity and intolerance. Closing the ban on applicants, Lola Lafon proposes with It was never too late (Stock) a book about worrying and struggling with the news of the last two years.
The tests also saw movement with three new features infiltrating respectively 7th, 8th and 9th rows. Starting with the work of Anna Roy and Camille Anseaume, Huge (Larousse). The story of Anna Roy, midwife and key figure in women’s health in France, who gained 58 kilos from 2013 until reaching 126 kilos… Before taking control of herself and deciding, the March 1, 2023, to “lose everything”, to this end, to wean ourselves off sugar. It is in a very different register that our second arrival, Richard Malka, works. His publisher, Stock, presents his essay as follows: “A disciple of Robert Badinter and Georges Kiejman, the lawyer evokes the attacks, the deaths, his family history, his repulsion towards proselytism and community confinements. Above all, he poses to Voltaire the question that led him to the Pantheon. What should we replace God with?
Another big difference with a scientific essay, this time, signed by the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics Alain Aspect. If Einstein had known (Odile Jacob). While recounting his journey, Alain Aspect explains to us “with passion and clarity” how he demonstrated one of the most extraordinary properties of quantum entanglement, and he tries to imagine Einstein’s reaction to his experimental results. Elementary, right?