Neither 25 nor 35, this is the right time to have a child

Neither 25 nor 35 this is the right time to

Having a child at a young age or later in life… Each situation has its advantages. But is there an “ideal age” for becoming a parent? An expert gives us her opinion.

Having a child is a decision that must be carefully considered. One of the questions that comes up most often is that of age: are we “too young” or “too old” to have a child? All situations have advantages and disadvantages. By becoming a parent young, before the age of 30 for example, it is more guaranteed that you will not lack the energy to take care of them. We will have the opportunity to do a lot of things together, we know that we will be able to see him develop for longer and the age gap makes us more complicit when the child grows up…

Conversely, having a child later, after age 35 for example, allows you to benefit from certain experiences during your youth, such as traveling for example, establishing your professional career, having more chances of achieve financial stability, etc., before having a child. We will also probably have more maturity to deal with it. But we also risk tiring more quickly…

According to certain studies, the ideal period from a biological point of view to conceive a child is between 25 and 35 years old and according to the latest INSEE report, the average age of women at the birth of their first child is 31 years old, compared to 29 a few years ago. Women are therefore conceiving later and later, and even if medical advances allow it, we should not wait too long. However, there is no perfect age to have a child. “The “right” time to have a child is when you feel ready, in a stable environment, both emotionally and materially”explains Dalila Pilot Hammoud, clinical psychologist. “This moment may come sooner or later than expected!“, underlines our expert, adding that you should not hesitate to consult a professional if you feel the need.

Society also puts real pressure on having children, neither too early nor too late. To put these two things into perspective, here is what Dalila Pilot Hammoud advises: “Each person has a unique path, this does not call into question the value of each person’s life. Try to review your expectations and accept that each story is different: these two points can free yourself from the weight of comparison. Indeed, society often exerts strong pressure around the “ideal” family model (marriage, child, house, etc.). However, it is important to detach yourself from external expectations. Your worth does not depend on whether or not you have a child. Every life journey is legitimate and precious, even without children.”. If those around you appear intrusive or make unpleasant remarks, do not hesitate to “set healthy limits, without guilt” to protect you.
