Charging your phone in this place is very dangerous, a tip helps you avoid the tragedy

Charging your phone in this place is very dangerous a

If charging your phone is a lifestyle habit that you do without thinking, you should be careful about where you plug your device. The risks are great, according to experts.

At home, with friends, at the station or even in a restaurant… All places are good for recharging your phone’s batteries. Sockets have invaded our living spaces, including public places and now, any place makes it possible to charge your device. However, some of these spaces are riskier than others, experts say. And there is one that may seem secure but is not at all!

These places where the ion nevertheless has a dedicated personal space are particularly singled out for their lack of transparency regarding the protection of your data. Charging your phone in one of these spaces would be risky, so much so that experts strongly advise against providing your bank details there.


Who knew charging your phone in a hotel would be dangerous? Experts recently revealed that, in a hotel room, a recharge could be devastating, even if it lasts a few minutes. In order to reduce the risk in the event of force majeure, they recommend plugging your device into the mains and not directly into USB ports.

Because charging your phone on USB sockets in a hotel room exposes you to unexpected risks, such as sharing your personal data, including your full name, your sensitive banking information, your passwords, your address, your gallery photo, etc.

USB ports are so dangerous because they are more easily accessible to hackers, who can embed malware. Without you knowing it, you could then be the victim of “juice jacking”, the name given to this type of attack which passes through the charge of your phone.

There are several methods available to you to avoid this kind of sneaky strategy, such as recharging your phone in advance, or even equipping yourself with an external battery. It is also possible to purchase a “juice-jack defender”, small adapters that block data transfer when recharging your device.

In any case, there are numerous attempts to hack your phone, and we can only advise you to use a socket rather than a USB port. A small change of habit that could save a lot.
