Many make this mistake when waking up, it sabotages energy for the whole day

Many make this mistake when waking up it sabotages energy

You just need to wait a few minutes…

Do you often feel tired from the start of the day? What if the problem comes from your morning routine? Certain well-established habits can literally sabotage your energy for the rest of the day, reminds us dietician Alice Hantz, author of the Instagram account @mange_ta_sante. For example, systematically skipping breakfast. “Some people are not hungry in the morning or practice intermittent fasting, which may suit them perfectly as long as it respects their individual feelings and needs.. On the other hand, not eating in the morning when you want to is not a good idea because you deprive the body of the energy it requires after a night of fasting.

Breakfast must be well thought out: “A meal too rich in quick sugars such as sugary cereals or pastries triggers a sudden increase in blood sugar levels, followed by a rapid drop which causes fatigue and cravings. explains our interlocutor. You should also not only consume foods poor in nutrients, such as toast with jam or a simple coffee in the morning. This is not enough to provide the energy and micronutrients the body needs to get the day off to a good start.

Another bad habit is going too long without drinking. After several hours of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. If you don’t drink water first thing in the morning, it can affect your energy, concentration, and even digestion. “Start each morning with a large glass of water at room temperature to gently wake your body and avoid sugary drinks or drinks too rich in caffeine which can further dehydrate you. The trick is to keep a bottle of water near your bed so you can remember to drink as soon as you wake up. But there is above all another mistake that many of us make in the morning when it will tire us out for the whole day: drinking coffee as soon as we wake up.

Many believe that a cup of coffee is the cure for morning fatigue. “Yet rushing on a heavy dose of caffeine can disrupt your cortisol, the hormone that naturally helps your body wake up. This will also stimulate the stomach and increase the acidity level while there is nothing to digest“. The solution? For our dietician, you must wait at least 30 to 60 minutes after waking up before consuming coffee. Or take a decaffeinated one. And if you love coffee, limit yourself to one cup in the morning and avoid excesses.
