The success of Souleymane’s storyan award-winning film at the Cannes Film Festival, allowed the general public to immerse themselves in the daily life of bicycle delivery men. Since 2021, the Maison des couriers welcomes delivery people from delivery platforms (Deliveroo, Uber Eats, etc.) four days a week. A unique and free place which belongs to the city of Paris, where these precarious workers can simply rest between two races. Legal and administrative hotlines are also offered.
It’s a place that goes unnoticed, yet located in a very popular area with many afro beauty shops. HAS Paristhe Maison des couriers is located in a converted former EDF agency. “ There is a large room where the delivery men wait. There is coffee, tea, something to eat. There is a microwave, toilets, sockets to charge these phones or batteries… », Describes Circé Lienart.
Since 2021, the latter has coordinated this space: “ We open directly onto Boulevard Barbès, so that it is easy for delivery people to come and potentially also secure their bikes. » One of them confides: “ We sometimes come to take some time here, get warm, especially in these cool moments, take the opportunity to have a little coffee. » They also park their bikes there for safety.
Also readFrance: platform delivery workers on strike for better wages
Space to pause, but also to approach
In the brightly colored room, everything is done to help them in their approach. Everyone has their own habits, sits down, has their meal, like this Ivorian delivery man. Ladji finishes his fish attiéké while waiting for his appointment: “ I come here for several procedures. I would even say for everything. To send my CVs to companies, also make an appointment at the prefecture, Caf, Social Security… I come to sort everything out here. »
Paid on the go for a pittance salary, well below the minimum wage, these bicycle delivery men increase their working hours by taking risks. Circé Lienart, head of the Maison des couriers, explains to us:
“ We will support them in accessing health rights because it is very important, if they have an accident, that they can still get treatment. It’s still a fairly accident-prone job. And there are other health risks, health problems that are related. »
The first delivery man, who enjoys the coffee at the Maison des couriers, confirms: “ I came to see the nurse. I had an appointment with her to have check-ups on my health regarding work, often muscular illnesses or infections sometimes, all that… It’s really hard, but we have no choice. »
Also readDeliveroo trial: the link of subordination between deliverers and the platform in question
Regularization through work is difficult in this profession
These delivery people are often in precarious situations. Circé Lienart continues: “ At the beginning, we had a large majority of people in irregular situation. The difficulty is that delivery people work a lot, even more than salaried workers in general. But they do not have access to regularization through work, either because the account is not in their name, or because they have invoices and no pay slips. And with that, the prefectures do not allow the regularization through work. This is also why there is over-representation compared to other professions. »
No time to breathe for Circé Lienart, who continues. She helps a courier who has refugee status to complete a housing application file. After Paris and Bordeaux, other houses of this type are planned in Lille and Grenoble.
Also readFrance: the difficult daily life of bicycle delivery workers victims of racism and other discrimination