Many people are having a hard time lately: Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü announced the best expectorant!

Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü stated that many people have had difficulty in expelling phlegm lately and said, “Many of my patients complain that they cannot expectorate phlegm. Having phlegm inside creates a feeling of discomfort and triggers cough. I hear complaints that it does not keep me awake at night and causes constant cough during the day.

Indeed, in some patients such as asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis, there may be difficulty in removing secretions from our lower respiratory tract. Similarly, in some upper respiratory tract diseases such as sinusitis or allergic rhinitis, there is a constant postnasal drip and patients are disturbed by this postnasal drip. They can’t tear it away. The reason for this is that these secretions are thick and sticky and the patient cannot break them off. This is a very uncomfortable feeling.


It triggers cough. Of course there is a cure for this. Treatment varies depending on the patient. Some phlegm thinners; There are also medications that increase fluidity. With the help of these, phlegm becomes more easily expelled. “With these treatments, the cough also decreases,” he said.


Stating that the best expectorant is water, Özlü said, “But let me tell you that the best expectorant is actually water. Our patients do not notice this most of the time. Because if you drink less water, the water in the sputum decreases, so the phlegm becomes sticky. If you cough it up, you cannot remove it. However If you drink enough water a day, we recommend that this number be at least 2-3 liters per day; thus, as the amount of water in the sputum increases, the fluidity of the sputum increases. and thus the person can easily clear and expel the phlegm.

In this way, the cough also decreases. But it should not be forgotten that tea and coffee do not replace water. Because these types of drinks cause more loss than they are consumed. Therefore, you really need to drink water. But we recommend ayran, watery soups and compotes to people who say they cannot drink water at all, if they do not have diabetes. There are also patients with water restrictions. “It is not right for people with heart failure, kidney failure and water restriction to consume excessive water, and it would be beneficial for these people to consult a physician,” he said.

