Shortly after François Bayrou’s general policy speech, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was particularly vindictive towards the socialist allies who might not vote for the LFI motion of censure.
Unsurprisingly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had little taste for François Bayrou’s general policy speech this Tuesday, January 14. While his rebellious clan had been threatening for several weeks to table a motion of censure – which was done this Tuesday evening -, deploring that his socialist, communist and environmentalist allies were taking part in discussions with Matignon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon strongly responded. taken from the Socialist Party.
“The concessions granted to the socialists are so grotesque that I leave them the pleasure of explaining them,” he quipped, facing several journalists, including those from the World and of Parisianbefore inviting the partners of the New Popular Front to vote in favor of the motion of censure tabled by the rebels at the end of the day, in a somewhat threatening tone: “All those who do not vote for censure are leaving the New Popular Front , and we put an option on their constituencies.” And the founder of La France insoumise accuses the socialists of having brought the New Popular Front “to the ground” with these negotiations.
For their part, the Socialists have not clearly said whether or not they will vote for the motion of censure on Thursday. While the boss of the PS deputies, Boris Vallaud, quickly estimated after the Prime Minister’s general policy speech that “the account does not [était] not”, Olivier Faure informed him on the set of TF1’s 20 Heures that the socialists would censor “unless” the Prime Minister gives them, within 48 hours and the vote on the motion of censure, a “clear answer” on the debate concerning pensions “Whether there is agreement or not, Parliament must be seized,” declared Olivier Faure.
“The GDR and ecologists groups vote for censorship with the rebels and sign the same text together. A number of socialist deputies too. The division maneuver has failed. The NFP is saved”, estimated on around 8 p.m. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, before setting off again a little later against the boss of the socialists, still on : “So the PS group is the only one in the NFP to refuse to vote for censorship? Faure must come out of this isolation which divides the NFP!”