a catastrophic start to the speech, announcements that will cool Macron

a catastrophic start to the speech announcements that will cool

François Bayrou delivers his general policy speech to the National Assembly this Tuesday, January 14. The Prime Minister began his speech in a catastrophic manner.

16:16 – “The promotion of reading against the monopoly of screens”

“Among the battles to be waged: the promotion of reading against the monopoly of screens. I know that one path is possible: by better training our teachers in order to better prepare them (…) It is a national issue”, specifies François Bayrou, referring to artificial intelligence to achieve his objectives.

16:13 – Spelling? “The greatest of our failures”

“The teachers at our university depict first-year students who fail to write a simple, understandable text with acceptable spelling. This is the greatest of our failures,” conceded the tenant of Matignon this Tuesday before parliamentarians.

16:11 – Education: “Parcourusup is a question”

“In the refoundation of our project, National Education, higher education and research. Are an essential subject, one of the prides of my life (…) Children are not like leeks, do not grow to same speed”, indicates François Bayrou. “Reorientations” must be “accepted and changes in training,” too. According to him, “Parcourus is a question”, he indicated, after being questioned by a parliamentarian.

16:06 – François Bayrou pleads for “carbon-free energy accessible to all”

On the ecological transition, “France has started the effort better than any other country in the world. This ardent obligation must be amplified. Plan our low carbon strategy, preserve our biodiversity, I am thinking of our energy policy which has a goal: carbon-free energy accessible to all. Geothermal energy is too. We must tackle the issue of water head on with a major conference in the region.” François Bayrou also mentioned hydrogen and the “bicycle plan”, without giving details.

16:02 – OQTF: “I will reactivate the interministerial immigration control committee”

Concerning the obligations to leave French territory (OQTF). “93% are not applied, it mainly depends on the refusal of the host countries,” regrets François Bayrou. “I will reactivate the interministerial immigration control committee. Parliamentarians will not fail to take initiatives,” said the Prime Minister.

15:59 – Mayotte: “It is our duty to pursue a policy of control and regulation”

“In Mayotte, the presence of illegal immigrants in large numbers in the slums is exactly as if there were 500,000 illegal immigrants in Paris. Our compatriots in Mayotte cannot stand it. Not recognizing it is lying to ourselves ( …) It is the responsibility of the government to maintain and enforce order in Mayotte as in mainland France. We know well that in our humanity, it is poverty that pushes people to flee their country. And to apply our laws must be flawless. It is our duty to pursue a policy of control and regulation,” continues the Prime Minister.

15:53 ​​- François Bayrou is committed to “debureaucratization”

The Prime Minister affirms that French companies “must be protected against exponential increases in taxes and charges. The company produces wealth and employment, for the entire country, thanks to its directors, its researchers, its executives, its employees. But if it sees itself overloaded with samples, then it stops producing,” says François Bayrou. “The government will therefore embark on a powerful movement of debureaucratization. The bill to simplify economic life which has begun to be examined must be adopted quickly,” he indicates.

15:51 – A questioning of the ban on the accumulation of mandates?

François Bayrou calls this Tuesday to “reconsider at the same time the question of the simultaneous exercise of local and national responsibility”. as a reminder, the combination of a mandate as mayor and deputy has no longer been possible since 2014.

15:47 – “A bank of democracy” will be created to supervise campaign financing

“I want the creation of a bank of democracy so that the financing of political parties no longer depends on private choices but is the recourse of public bodies under the control of Parliament. I hope that we escape the constraint of seeing the political life held by money”, as in America, indicates François Bayrou. “I also think that everyone must be able to find their place within the national representation, in proportion to the votes they receive.

15:44 – François Bayrou wants to “move forward” on proportional representation

“I propose that we move forward on the reform of the legislative voting method. My opinion is that the voting method must be rooted in the territories,” says François Bayrou. “This adoption of the proportional principle will probably be accompanied by the question of the simultaneous exercise” of several jobs at national and regional level.

15:38 – “Redefined, rethought” budgets

François Bayrou “announces the creation of a special fund entirely dedicated to State reform, financed by realizing part of the assets, particularly real estate, which belong to the public authorities so as to be able to invest, for example, in the deployment of artificial intelligence in our public services.

On the subject of the budget, “we need to rethink all our budgets, based not on the continuation of what was done the previous year increased by a percentage of inflation, but on what the service or the action to be taken. These redefined, rethought budgets, I will ask all ministers to prepare them from the spring”, he continues.

15:36 – If no agreement is found, “it is the current reform which would continue to apply”

“Parliament will be seized of it during the next social security financing bill, or if necessary by a law. I hope that this agreement will be found. But if the partners do not agree, it is the current reform which would continue to apply”, indicated François Bayrou.

3:34 p.m. – A permanent delegation created and assembled “from Friday”

“A permanent delegation will be created. I will bring it together on Friday. I will propose to the representatives of each organization to work around the same table, to sit in the same offices, together, for three months from the date of the Court of Justice’s report. If during this ‘conclave’ this delegation finds an agreement of balance and better justice, we will adopt it.”

15:31 – François Bayrou calls on the Court of Auditors for a “flash mission” on pensions

“This debt is first and foremost a moral problem. Pension reform is vital for our country and our social model (…) No one anymore denies that there is a serious financing problem for our retirement system. And in At the same time, many of the participants in this discussion affirmed that there were ways of progress. I therefore choose to bring this subject back to work with the social partners in a short time and with transparent conditions. an indisputable observation and figures I will ask. to the Court of Auditors in a flash mission to give us the current state of financing of the retirement system, this result, the government will communicate it to all French people”, affirms François Bayrou.

3:30 p.m. – “Pension reform is vital for our country”

“The first emergency is to answer the question of pensions. The imbalance in the system cannot be ignored,” indicates the Prime Minister. “Of the more than 1,000 billion in debt accumulated in recent years, pensions represent 50% of this total. The burden we leave to our children will be too heavy to bear. I am not saying that debt is immoral, s “Going into debt to build a university or a hospital is legitimate, but the debt is unbearable if it puts our children at the expense of our current expenses of today’s life”, analyzes the tenant of Matignon.

