If the power strip is an object that has become truly common, its use involves certain risks. For example if it is placed in this specific location in the house.
We never have enough outlets to plug in all our devices at home. Hence the great success of the power strip. Practical, it has become an essential object today present in almost every room of the house. It is therefore important to know how to use it correctly because it also involves certain risks associated with its use.
When used incorrectly, a power strip represents a real danger, which can lead to fire. It is important to note that in France, of the 250,000 fires per year, 20 to 35% are of electrical origin, some of which are caused by improper use of power strips. In total, there were also 4,000 people victims of serious electrification and 200 deaths from domestic electrical accidents.
These figures should alert you. Yes, instructions exist and you must use your devices correctly. The first tip to follow is not to place your power strip anywhere. There’s a reason why a power strip should never be installed next to anything flammable. This could pose a great risk to the house and its occupants.
In this way, a power strip should be kept away from items that burn quickly, such as carpets or curtains, as the movement of electricity can cause the generation of a spark causing a serious accident such as a fire .
On the other hand, power strips must also be kept away from any source of water to avoid accidents. We of course think of the sink, the washbasin or the shower, but there is another place to avoid. It is absolutely necessary to keep them away from windows. This is for the good reason that the windows can be left open and if it rains, the water can reach the power strip. This may cause a short circuit which will in turn cause a fire. It is therefore preferable to adopt appropriate security measures to prevent a risky situation from occurring.
To use power strips without risk, electricians still give a whole bunch of advice. For example, unplugging them when they are not in use, or turning off the power strip switch when no object plugged into it is being used.
Also, they advise never plugging a power strip into a power strip, but also to avoid plugging certain electrical devices into a power strip. The list is long: radiator, vacuum cleaner, microwave ovens, coffee maker, kettle, hair dryer, oven, air conditioner, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, fridge, freezer or even iron. What do these devices have in common? They have a significant power consumption, especially if they operate simultaneously.