Tom Holland landed his first major appearance as Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in Captain America: Civil War in 2016, which was followed by numerous appearances and three films of his own to date. Before his star role, the British actor was no stranger to the industry, but Peter Parker undoubtedly helped him reach new heights in the Hollywood sky. No wonder Holland early in his Spider-Man career his own biggest fan was.
Tom Holland collected Funko Pop figures of Spider-Man – and later hid them
In a 2021 interview with GQ Spain that went viral again on social media in recent days, Holland explained that back in the day, he collected Funko Pop Spider-Man figures and placed them in a sort of shrine in his house :
I actually collected all of my Funko Pops. I put them up in my house for a long time, but it eventually got to the point where it looked like, like I had some kind of shrine of myself constructed.
So Holland made the difficult decision to make the Spider-Man characters disappear:
I had to hide them because it became too embarrassingso they’re in a closet now, but I love them.
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Whether the Funko Pop figures can still be found in Holland’s closet or whether his fiancée Zendaya has now sent them to the basement – or garbage – can only be guessed at today. Holland’s nerdy, charming self-love apparently hasn’t hurt his relationship.
Spider-Man 4 with Tom Holland will be in cinemas in 2026
Tom Holland is set to appear in front of the camera later this year for the fourth Spider-Man adventure, which is scheduled to arrive on July 22, 2026 should reach in the cinemas. In terms of content, Spider-Man 4 will follow on from the fatal ending of its predecessor, in which Peter Parker decided to give up his identity as a normal citizen in order to fully dedicate himself to his calling as Spider-Man.