January 11, 2015: “Today, such a march would be difficult due to social tension in France”

January 11 2015 Today such a march would be difficult

Impossible to establish a precise count in Paris », recognized for the first time the French Ministry of the Interior on the evening of January 11, 2015. A declaration which testifies to the immense crowd gathered that day in the capital, but also in several other cities in the country. No exact figures, but impressive estimates: around four million people throughout France, including more than a million and a half in Paris. Four days have passed since the killing of Charlie Hebdofollowed the next day by the assassination of a policewoman, then the attack on the Hypercacher. On January 11, in the face of horror, a Republican march united anonymous people and several dozen heads of state and government in Paris. But ten years later, what remains of this popular momentum and this displayed unity? Interview with Antoine Gallard, doctoral student in political science at Paris I University.

Also readTen years later, what remains of the Republican march of January 11?
