Mega Raid Day with Mega Galagladi – How to use the event properly today

In Pokémon GO, the Mega Raid Day starts with Mega Galagladi. You can read here how to catch the monster and what you should pay attention to.

When does Mega Raid Day start? The event starts on Saturday, January 11th at 2:00 p.m. It ends at 5:00 p.m.

What kind of Pokémon is this? Galagladi evolves from Trasla and Kirlia if you use the Sinnoh Stone on a male specimen.

Mega Galagladi is his Mega Evolution. For this you need mega energy – and you can now secure it for the first time on the mega raid day with mega galagladi.

This is how you get Mega Galagladi:

  • Defeat Mega Galagladi in the Mega Raid
  • After a successful raid, catch the normal variant of Galagladi
  • Use the required Mega Energy on Galagladi. You get more Mega Energy the faster you complete the Mega Raid.
  • This is how you unlock Mega Evolution, which then lasts a few hours before Mega Galagladi becomes Galagladi again.

    The raid day is ideal for collecting the necessary energy. Because there are some good bonuses.

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    This is how you use the Mega Raid Day in Pokémon GO

    The most important thing is taking advantage of the bonuses. They look like this:

  • You will receive up to five free Raid Passes from Arenas that you spin. Since there are two free passes every day this season anyway, you have 7 available if you use them all.
  • Remember: You will only get a new free pass from Arenas once the last one you got has been used up.
  • Your chance of getting Shiny Galagladi is increased.
  • This means: You should complete as many raids as possible. This way you can use up the free passes, collect a lot of mega energy and take advantage of the chance to win the shiny version more often.

    That’s why – depending on where you live and how the arenas are distributed – you have to walk a lot, from arena to arena.

    By the way: The bonuses for the current Fashion Week also run at the same time as the raid day.

    How to defeat Mega Galagladi? Mega Galagladi is vulnerable to Flying, Spirit, and Fairy-type attacks. You can find the best counterattacks against Mega Galagladi here.

    How many trainers do I need? With the best counterattacks, Mega Galagladi should be beatable with two trainers or more. If possible, try with more players – just to be on the safe side.

    Raid remotely possible? Yes, you can also fight against Mega Galagladi via long-range raids. The remote raid limit is also increased to 20 on this day. But you have to buy long-distance raid passes for coins in the shop; they are not available for free on raid day.

    What else does the shop bring? In the shop you will find an optional event ticket for 5.49 euros. This brings the following bonuses:

  • 8 more raid passes from arenas
  • Increased chance of receiving special candies XL after raids
  • 50% more XP and stardust after successful raids
  • Pay attention to the Community Day Classic: The Community Day Classic with Trasla runs on January 25, 2025, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This day is ideal to collect lots of candies for Trasla, and therefore also its developments such as Galagladi. In fact, this is also the perfect day to find a strong Trasla specimen and evolve it into Galagladi.

    If you don’t catch a powerful specimen with good stats on the raid day, you might want to save up the mega energy and then develop a Galagladi that you get on the community day into its mega form. And if you want to know what’s coming up: Here are all the events in January 2025 in Pokémon GO.
