Prime Minister Patrick Achi unveils his new government

Prime Minister Patrick Achi unveils his new government

Patrick Achi had resigned last week before being renewed Tuesday April 19 by Alassane Ouattara, with instructions to form a tight team.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Peter Pinto

The team unveiled this Wednesday, April 20 by Prime Minister Patrick Achi, just reappointed, is made up of 32 members against 41 in the previous government. A tight team as promised, but without major upheaval. The main portfolios remain in the hands of their holders: Foreign Affairs in Kandia Camarra, Defense in Téné Birahima Ouattara, Agriculture in Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, Interior in Vagondo Diomande, Education in Mariatou Koné.

One of the most notable movements is that of Alain Richard-Donwahi at Waters and Forests. After five years at the head of this strategic ministry, he was replaced by Laurent Tchagba. Exit also the minister of crafts Félix Anoblé whose portfolio is abolished, or that of Oil, Thomas Camara, replaced by an incoming, Mamadou Sangofowa Coulibaly. A ministry that has become key since the discovery last year of a very large offshore deposit. The other entry is that of Françoise Remarck. The former boss of Canal + in Côte d’Ivoire is appointed to Culture.

This executive therefore welcomes two new ministers, while a dozen leave. 2 new ones and a dozen outgoing ones. The four secretaries of state of the previous government are abolished. The Minister Delegate for Integration, Alcide DjeDje, is thanked. The Achi 2 government has an appointment this Thursday for its first Council of Ministers.
