Internal Medicine Specialist points out that mold fungi are very common in nature and can reproduce very easily. Dr. Devrim Deniz said, “Suitable humidity conditions and temperature conditions for these find themselves very easily in our nature. These fungi can easily multiply when they encounter a suitable oxygen environment and come into contact with contaminated food. Generally, we see these mushrooms more especially in some foods. We can see the first of these in the grain group, such as wheat, barley and corn. We can also see it in nuts such as peanuts, pistachios, walnuts and almonds. We can also see it in dairy products and cocoa. “In addition, dried fruits can also grow intensively when there are suitable environments,” he said.
Internal Medicine Specialist lists the health problems caused by mold fungi when they develop. Dr. Devrim Deniz said, “These are primarily their effects on the system they come into contact with and may vary depending on the situation. When it affects the respiratory system, diseases such as allergic diseases and asthma may increase. Again, when it enters through the gastrointestinal system, esophageal cancers can develop, and liver cancers, which are very common especially due to aflatoxin, can develop. When it affects our kidneys, kidney toxicities may occur. When it comes into contact with our skin, irritations and allergic rashes may occur. It can affect our hormones. It can affect reproductive hormones and therefore cause problems in productivity and reproduction, and may cause disorders in sperm quality and egg quality. It also has effects on things like obesity, which is a problem of our age. Especially fungi that grow in corn.
Recently, their consumption has increased due to celiac disease and therefore fumonisin poisoning has increased. Because studies have begun to detect the carcinogenic effects of fumonisins on esophageal cancer and liver cancer.
The transfer of fumonisins from animals to humans is not very clear, but there is an aflatoxin that can pass from dairy products, so we need to pay attention to these. Again, there are hidden threats, pesticides, that threaten our health. These pesticides are used especially in these GMO products, and after a certain accumulation of these products, which are used to obtain more products, things that threaten our health again occur. It can also cause toxicities, organ toxicities, organ toxicities in the liver and kidneys. Again, by entering the systemic circulation, it increases the body’s burden and can initiate processes that lead to obesity and insulin resistance. In that respect, we need to be careful about pesticides.
All of these are actually invisible dangers. What can we do about this? First of all, we need to pay attention to things that will prevent food from coming into contact. We must be careful during the production and storage stages and take precautions accordingly. “As consumers, we should buy these products from reliable places and store them safely at home,” he said.
Expert gives information about what can be done after these harmful substances enter the human body. Dr. Devrim Deniz said, “We can eat foods with high antioxidant properties. Because when these toxins enter, they need to be detoxified and eliminated in the liver. You need to consume supplements or foods with high antioxidant content, such as to support the liver system. We must drink enough liquid. Because it can be excreted through our kidneys. First of all, we should eat everything in its nature and in the appropriate season, and if there is food that is about to spoil or food that is suspected to be spoiled, we should definitely not consume it. While consuming and storing these foods, we should pay attention to their storage conditions and shelf life and consume them accordingly. We should stay away from openly sold foods or foods whose storage is questionable. “You know, it is best to stay away from the pre-existing factors and consume them by paying attention to them,” he said.