(Finance) – INPS has updated the pension requirements quietly and without the necessary transparency on its applications: from 2027 it will take three months more to reach retirement. The alarm was raised by CGILreporting that the age threshold for the old-age pension will rise to 67 years and three months in 2027 and 67 years and 5 months in 2029, while it will take 43 years and one month of contributions to obtain an early pension in 2027, regardless by age, which will rise to 43 years and 3 months in 2029.
The union therefore expresses “deep concern for the recent unilateral change in pension requirements made by INPS on its applications, without any communication official by the competent Ministries e in total absence of transparency institutional”.
According to the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Lara Ghiglionesuch changes “they find no confirmation in official documents currently in force”, while the 25th Report of the State General Accounting Office of 2024 did not foresee any increase for 2027 and an increase of only one month in 2029.
“A few days after the approval of the budget law – continues Ghiglione – we are faced with yet another worsening of the social security framework which adds to the already wrong choices of this Government on the issue of pensions. Despite the continuous slogans and electoral promises of a reform of the social security system, such as the much-heralded overcoming of the Monti-Fornero law and retirement with 41 years of contributions for all, reality demonstrates the opposite: new restrictions and further sacrifices paid by workers”.
The confederal secretary is scared “very serious consequences” such as increasing the number of people “without protection” and the risk of “new exoduses among those who have signed up to isopension plans or pension plans”.