(Finance) – The event entitled “Building a competitive future”organized by UGL Lazio. The initiative – we read in a note – will bring together institutions, representatives of the business world and key figures in the training sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities linked to the economic and social development of the Lazio region.
The program includes: institutional greetings entrusted to Gerardo Stefanelli, President of the Province of Latina; Matilde Celentano, Mayor of Latina; Giuseppe Schiboni, Regional Councilor; they intervene Armando Valiani, Secretary of UGL Lazio; Giovanni Acampora, President of the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce. They participate in the round table Ornella Cuzzupi, UGL National Secretary; School; Fausto Bianchi, President of Unindustria Latina; Antonio Di Rocco, ANCI Lazio Board of Directors; Cianchetti Diego, Sole Administrator of Latina Formazione; Giorgio Maracchioni, President of the ITS New Technologies for Life Foundation (ITS NTV); Fiovo Bitti, Councilor of CNEL
The event will be moderated by the journalist and economics expert Massimo Maria Amorosini, while the conclusions will be entrusted to Francesco Paolo Capone, UGL General Secretary. The meeting represents an important opportunity to discuss central issues such as training, employment and the competitive relaunch of the territory, with particular attention to the synergy between institutions, businesses and the world of training.