an “exceptionally high level of intensity in the hospital”, the latest figures of the epidemic

an exceptionally high level of intensity in the hospital the

The latest assessment of the flu epidemic was published on January 8 by Santé Publique France.

The start of 2025 begins with a particularly intense flu epidemic. The entire mainland France has been affected for several weeks. In its latest epidemiological report published on January 8, Public health France indicated that “the share of hospitalizations for influenza” reached “an exceptionally high level of intensity in hospitals” in the first week of January 2025. Dozens of French hospitals have also activated their “white plan” to faced with the influx of patients.

The epidemic indicators continued to increase “in all age groups except 5-14 year olds”. In total, more than 18,000 people went to the emergency room for the flu in the first week of the year. 70% of people hospitalized for the flu were over 65 years old. According to the Public Health France report, 471 people died from the flu last week, compared to 262 in the last week of December 2024.

Who should get the flu vaccine, and when?

Even though the level of the epidemic is high, there is still time to get vaccinated. If you have escaped the flu since the start of the epidemic, it is not over: you can still be infected. The campaign of vaccination is also scheduled until January 31. Public Health France recalls that “vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself against influenza, particularly serious forms”. You have to wait about two weeks after vaccination before you are protected.

While the flu is not the only virus circulating, it is possible and even recommended to be vaccinated against the flu and Covid-19 at the same time. Vaccination is open to everyone, it is particularly recommended for fragile people at risk of serious forms, such as people aged 65 and over, people suffering from certain chronic illnesses (respiratory, cardiac, diabetes, obesity, etc.) , or even pregnant women. For all these people, the vaccine is free.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

From approximately 48 hours after influenza contamination, i.e. the incubation period, several symptoms appear suddenly:

  • a high fever (around 39°),
  • intense fatigue,
  • aches,
  • headaches,
  • sore throat,
  • a cough.

Most symptoms stop after about a week, but fatigue and cough may persist beyond that. People infected with the flu are contagious from the day before symptoms appear for a week.

In fragile people, on the other hand, the flu can cause more serious symptoms. Complications such as pneumonia are possible. Every year, around 10,000 people die from the flu.

Given that these symptoms are very similar to those of Covid-19, even if it only circulates to a lesser extent, in case of doubt it is possible to do a flu and Covid PCR test at the pharmacy which can therefore detect both viruses .

Treatment for the flu is based solely on relieving symptoms, with painkillers (preferably paracetamol) to combat fever and pain, as well as rest and hydration. It is useless – and even bad for your health – to take antibiotics, since they are only effective against infections linked to bacteria, while the flu is caused by a virus. There are antiviral medications, but they are only prescribed to vulnerable people.
