After the devastating passage of Cyclone Chido on the Mayotte archipelago, the emergency bill for the reconstruction of the archipelago was presented this Wednesday morning to the Council of Ministers. Between legal exemptions and reconstruction of public services, the main provisions of the bill intended to allow the “very rapid” implementation of measures for the archipelago devastated in mid-December by Cyclone Chido. This emergency bill on the construction of Mayotte will arrive in the Assembly on January 20. .
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The text includes a battery of measures to ease the procedures in force and accelerate the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure, with an exemption from town planning rules for a period of two years. It will also make it possible to waive public procurement rules. At the economic and social level, the text also contains several measures which will remain in force “ until March 31, 2025 », such as the suspension of the recovery of social security contributions from self-employed workers, the extension of the rights of socially insured and unemployed people, or the increase in coverage for partial unemployment.
To carry out the reconstruction of Mayottethe bill provides for the establishment of a “powerful operator dedicated” to this mission, based on the model of that set up for Notre-Dame of Paris. General Pascal Facon, military commander of the South zone, will be appointed to head this operator which will absorb the public land and development establishment of Mayotte (EPFAM), specifies Agence France Presse.
The bill amounts to “ several hundred million euros » the measures taken.
School is also one of the major issues of this bill. The text therefore provides that the State can replace local authorities for their reconstruction or renovation, until the end of 2027.
Also readCyclone Chido: Prime Minister François Bayrou unveils his “Mayotte standing” plan
This text will arrive before the National Assembly on January 20.
On the other hand, the fight against illegal housing is not mentioned in this text. During his trip to Mayotte at the end of December, the Prime Minister had nevertheless promised to prevent the reconstruction of the shanty towns of the archipelago. “ We will not let Mayotte become a shanty island again”insisted Manuel Valls, Minister of Overseas Territories, notably increasing “ resources for law enforcement ». “ I recognize that this is one of the most difficult issues because several tens of thousands of people live in these slums (…). Not everyone is in an irregular situation, not everyone is an immigrant. This is a delicate matter that cannot be resolved by snapping our fingers.”underlined the minister, while many residents of the informal neighborhoods of the archipelago have already rebuilt their homes.
Also readMayotte: “banning” slums, an emergency solution that could turn into a false good idea
Another bill presenting longer-term measures must be drawn up in the next three months, Manuel Valls indicated again this morning. A text which will be more widely devoted to questions of immigration, security and economic development, indicates Charlotte Urien-Tomakafrom the political service.