Following the attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper which cost the lives of 12 people the day before, French law enforcement is on a war footing. They are looking for the two attackers, identified as the brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi.
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January 8, 2015, 9:26 a.m. 70 kilometers from Paris, the Kouachi brothers appear at a gas station in Villers-Cotterêts, in Aisne. That day, Ivo Magalhaes, a gas station attendant, saw the two men enter, demanding bags of food and drinks. Their voices are calm, almost disconcerting. “ Don’t worry, it’s almost over », says Chérif Kouachi, as if to reassure him.
The hunt intensifies. Hunted by nearly 88,000 police and gendarmes, RAID and GIGN crisscrossing the surrounding area, in vain. The two brothers disappear.
After spending the night in a forest 30 km from the gas station, the two fugitives’ car got stuck in the mud. Coming out of the woods, they rob the car of an accountant on her way to work, and head back towards Paris. The alert is given. The police began a chase with the two men, which ended a few kilometers further, in the premises of a printer in Dammartin-en-Goële.
DrawingCharlie Hebdo, January 7, 2015: the day of the killing