what is the true story that inspired the film?

what is the true story that inspired the film

The thriller by Marina Foïs and Olivier Gourmet looks back on the disappearance of Suzanne Blanch and the arrest of Jacques Viguier.

France 3

France 3
Monday January 6 at 9:05 p.m.

4/3 | All audiences

An intimate conviction is a detective film and judicial. This feature film directed by Antoine Raimbault looks back on the disappearance of Suzanne Viguier, whose body was never found, on February 27, 2000. More specifically, it tackles the trial of her husband, Jacques Viguier, suspected of having murdered his wife following accusations from Olivier Durandet, Suzanne Viguier’s lover.

Jacques Viguier was acquitted the first time on April 30, 2009, then a second time, in March 2010, during the appeal trial requested by the Haute-Garonne prosecutor. The story of An intimate conviction focuses on a real news item and depicts the case as realistically as possible. But the protagonist played by Marina Foïs, convinced of Jacques Viguier’s innocence and who does everything possible to make Eric Dupont-Moretti defend him, was completely invented to immerse the viewer further into the story.

Synopsis – Since Nora attended the trial of Jacques Viguier, accused of the murder of his wife, she has been convinced of his innocence. She convinces a tenor of the bar to defend him for his second trial, on appeal.
