Covid, in the last 24 hours 27,214 new cases and 127 deaths

Covid in the last 24 hours 38095 positives and 210

(Finance) – In the last 24 in Italy they have registered 27,214 new cases of Covid, against 18,389 yesterday, and 127 deaths (yesterday 79). The molecular and antigenic swabs processed in the last 24 hours were 174,098. Data that bring the positivity rate down from 17.4% yesterday to 15.6% (-1.8%). This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health.

On the rise i ICU patients, that with 38 new entries, in the income / expenditure balance, there are 11 more than yesterday, 422 in total. Also growing is i ordinary hospitalizations of patients with symptoms (+274; yesterday +182) for a total of 10,214.

Since the beginning of the health emergency, 15,758,002 people have been infected while the victims have risen to 161,893. The healed are 14,387,830, 35,763 more than yesterday. To date there are 1,208,279 positives in Italy, 8,564 less than yesterday.
