PAC, Mipaaf: meeting of the actors of the Partnership Table, at the start of the discussion to finalize the Strategic Plan

PAC Mipaaf meeting of the actors of the Partnership Table

(Finance) – The sixth meeting of the National Partnership Table on the implementation on the PAC for the period 2023 – 2027, chaired by Minister Stefano Patuanelliwith the aim of finalizing the work aimed at defining the strategic plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (PSP).

In the meeting, which they took part in via video conference, the actors institutional, social and economic associations and all the main sector associations, professional organizations, trade unions, the world of cooperation and environmental associations, the main remarks to the PSP that the European Commission sent to MiPAAF on March 31, 2022.
There are five topics on which discussion was requested and which assume a transversal role in the observations and in the consequent final version of the Plan: Equity of income support, Green Deal, Green Architecture, Supply chains and concentration of supply and Rural Development.

Minister Patuanelli highlighted the need to resume the discussion of the points still open with the actors of the table and reach an agreement with the Regions as soon as possible on the distribution of funds EAFRDa fundamental element for the continuation of the work, as many of the observations of the Commission they are directly or indirectly attributable to the lack of information on the financial allocation of the interventions of the Second Pillar of the CAP. As for the other observations of the European Commission, the Minister focused on environmental conditionality; on Green Architecture, on which it will be necessary to refine the technical aspects of eco-schemes and to grasp further environmental challenges that are faced through agro-climatic-environmental payments. Finally as regards the question of payments directraised by the EU Commission, Patuanelli defended the choice of having taken into consideration the entire national territory as a single region (“Italy single region”) to ensure balanced income support that meets sectoral needs.

The actors of the Partnership Table will be able to send a document written summary with reactions and suggestions regarding the topics dealt with today, and which will be analyzed by the MiPAAF. During the meeting, a time schedule of the works, in order to transmit an updated version of the Plan by the end of July, providing for two further discussions with the Partnership Table.
