If, like 87% of French people, you have a store loyalty card, pay close attention to the expiration date of your points. Several major brands will soon liquidate the prize pools.

If like 87 of French people you have a store

If, like 87% of French people, you have a store loyalty card, pay close attention to the expiration date of your points. Several major brands will soon liquidate the prize pools.

To encourage their customers to come back regularly and to encourage them to buy more, most major retail brands offer them programs and loyalty cards allowing them to accumulate points entitling them to reductions on their purchases, promotions, or even to euro equivalents which serve as prize pools.

Often modest amounts, but which, accumulated over several months, can represent quite large sums, which is not negligible in times of inflation – some even resort to overconsumption for the pleasure of enjoying a good deal. This is the case of Auchan, which offers its customers its Waaoh card, but also of Carrefour, Super U and Casino.

Thus, Carrefour customers benefit from a 10% discount on their basket if they present the card. In Casino supermarkets, the purchase of three Casino items allows loyal customers to benefit from a 5% discount, which is credited to the loyalty card. On the Auchan side, the Waaoh card allows you to benefit from a 5% prize pool on certain products. And these are just a few examples!

© Auchan

But be careful, these prize pools can sometimes hold unpleasant surprises. It turns out that loyalty points from the Carrefour, Casino, Intermarché, Franprix and Monoprix brands have a relatively short validity period and are likely to expire in 2025. But most consumers are not aware of this!

Thus, Carrefour, Casino and Intermarché have defined a deadline for the validity of loyalty points accumulated in 2024 to March 1, 2025, while Franprix has set the deadline to March 31, 2025. On the other hand, for those who are customers of Auchan, points earned in 2024 will be valid until December 31, 2025, except for those from the last two months of the year which are valid until the end of 2026.

At Monoprix, the euros accumulated between 1er January and October 31, 2024 are valid until December 31, 2024. Yes, it is very short. For those obtained in November and December, the date is pushed back to December 31, 2025. Finally, certain brands, such as Leclerc and the U group, have chosen not to set an expiration date. However, a long period of inactivity of the loyalty card (14 and 13 months respectively) results in automatic deletion of the prize pool.

We can therefore only advise you to check how much you have in your different pots, and on what date your points will expire. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of this sum, which belongs to you and which you richly deserved!
