Unless extreme precautions are taken, scratches are an inevitable hassle on many smartphones. However, there are tips to reduce or even get rid of them.
Who has never had small mishaps with their phone? Falls, friction, incongruous storage and other bad gestures are part of the life of this type of device which follows us everywhere and it is not uncommon for a smartphone to find itself more and more damaged with the passage of time. In addition to the malfunctions inherent in these accidents, the most common problem with a smartphone is generally clearly visible: scratches.
Whether we talk about micro scratches or real notches, the latter are often visible and even annoying, especially in direct sunlight, when visibility on a screen is maximum. A problem that can quickly become annoying when using your smartphone and which can even go so far as to hinder its daily use.
However, there are many solutions to remove or reduce scratches on a smartphone screen. Be careful, however, since you can read many contested techniques on the internet. For example, it has long been recommended to spread toothpaste on your damaged screen and gently rub it with the paste. This absurd idea has been repeatedly denied, notably by the smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi itself, which released an explanatory and demonstrative video in order to prove that toothpaste was not a good solution against scratches. This could even lead to further damage to the device!
Among the effective techniques for reducing or removing scratches on a screen, it is best to use a magic sponge. These very fine sponges are easy to find commercially and cost very little, between 50 cents and 1 euro each depending on the model. And it’s even possible to create your own with ingredients that are also sold almost everywhere. To create your own low-cost magic sponge, follow the following instructions:
- Get melamine sponges that you can find in stores or online.
- Soak the sponge with a tablespoon of baking soda, a quarter cup of warm water and a teaspoon of Borax.
- Rinse the sponge under cold water and wait until it is dry before you can use it.
So take a magic sponge and gently rub the scratches on your smartphone screen. If the latter are not too deep, the sponge will be able to erase them or significantly reduce them by cleaning the screen protector if the scratch is present on the latter.
If the scratch is deep and has attacked directly on the screen of your smartphone, this technique will, in the worst case, be ineffective. It will have no impact since a scratch is, by definition, a piece of your screen missing. It is therefore advisable to equip yourself with liquid glass or a coating to reduce the visibility of scratches. This won’t make them disappear completely, but should make you forget about them for a little while!