Energy, Pichetto: “Hydroelectric manifest good, important vector”

Nuclear Pichetto legal framework is needed for the new generation

(Finance) – “I have read with great interest the ‘United for Italian hydroelectric’ manifesto published today in various newspapers. I share its proactive spirit and also the concerns, because hydroelectric represents an indispensable vector for the country system as a whole transition path”. This is what is stated in a note Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

“For two years – he adds Picket Fratin – we are committed to finding viable solutions that do not jeopardize the objectives of the PNRR while enhancing the desire to free up investments in the area. The government will continue to pursue every avenue, in active discussion with the new European Commission, for a more balanced system than the one that currently regulates the procedures for assigning concessions”.
