return match between Macron and Le Pen, date, time and info

return match between Macron and Le Pen date time and

MACRON-LE PEN DEBATE. Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will meet again on Wednesday April 20, 2022 for the debate between the two rounds of the presidential election. Follow live all the news related to this unmissable event.

The essential

  • Wednesday April 20, 2022, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other in the traditional debate between the two rounds of the presidential election, from 9 p.m.
  • This debatethe particularly anticipated return match of the 2017 presidential election, is organized and broadcast by TF1 and France 2. LCI and Franceinfo will also broadcast it.
  • Statements, preparations, behind the scenes… Before the start of this unique presidential election debate, discover all the news related to this unmissable event since 1974. Our big live is to be found here.
  • The debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen is all the more expected as the polls give a much tighter gap than in 2017 between the two finalists in the presidential election. Discover the latest polls in our dedicated article.


12:45 – For Emmanuel Macron, no rest before the debate

Unlike his competitor, Emmanuel Macron does not step back before the debate between the two rounds. While the President of the Republic multiplies media interventions, a trip is planned for Tuesday and, Wednesday morning, a few hours before the confrontation, he will chair the Council of Ministers, like every Wednesday morning.

12:15 – Marine Le Pen isolated herself to prepare for the debate

It had been planned for a long time in his diary. Marine Le Pen has isolated herself since Monday April 18, 2022, in order to best prepare her debate against Emmanuel Macron. Where does she work from? Nobody mentions it in his entourage. The very mysterious and long-mentioned “greening” ultimately corresponds to isolation at his home in La Celle-Saint-Cloud, in the Yvelines.

12:00 – Before the inter-round debate, tight polls

Before this debate between the two rounds, the polls are tight between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. If they are less so than the day after the first round, the gap between the two candidates has nevertheless considerably reduced compared to 2017. The last survey carried out by Opinion Way for CNews, published this Tuesday, April 19, 2022, credits the Head of State with 56% of the vote, against 46% for the candidate of the National Rally. Will the debate confirm or reverse this trend?

11:56 – An in-between debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen

Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other again during the debate between the two rounds of the presidential election. As in 2017, the two candidates were carried to the second round by the voters, leading to a new confrontation before the return to the polls of the French. The outgoing President of the Republic and the candidate of the National Rally have an appointment on Wednesday April 20 from 9 p.m. to defend their project and try to convince a majority of French people to (re)bring them to power.

Learn more

If in 2017, the question of the result in the second round seemed heard as soon as the final poster was announced, the situation is not the same in 2022. First, in view of the polls which give a tight score between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, this debate between the two rounds is of decisive importance and could well tip the scales. The reserve of voices being clearly on the left in the electorate of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, everyone will get down to trying to dredge this breeding ground through proposals going in their direction. Some LFI ballots should turn into an LREM or RN vote, where, five years ago, an uncompromising “republican front” had been established. But as the little music of “Everything but Macron” begins to be heard, Marine Le Pen could well try to rush into the breach.

Because it has a real angle of attack that could seduce, unlike 2017: the balance sheet of Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State no longer has the youthfulness that characterized his candidacy five years ago. It now bears the weight of a grueling five-year term, marked by many various crises. An all the more important opportunity for Marine Le Pen, the president-candidate having refused any debate before the 1er tower of thepresidential election. But for his part, as he is already doing, Emmanuel Macron should not fail to scratch his opponent on his positions during the Covid-19 crisis in particular, or on his discretion as to the invasion of the Russia in Ukraine.

Who will present the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen?

Like TF1 and France 2 lead the operations for the debate, the latter is presented by a journalist from each channel, a man and a woman. In the wake of the announcement of the date of the debate, the two chains specified that it was Gilles Bouleau, presenter of the JT of 20 hours of TF1and Léa Salamé, presenter in particular of the program “Elysée 2022” on France 2, who will moderate the debate. A time evoked, Anne-Sophie Lapix, presenter of the 20 hours of France 2was challenged by the Macron and Le Pen camps.

What audience for the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen?

A first indicator of French interest in the second round will be the ratings of this debate: in 2017, 16.5 million French people followed the heated exchanges between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, i.e. the lowest audience of the debate. history of these debates. Between 1974 and 1988, between 25 and 30 million viewers gathered to follow the verbal contests of the finalists, compared to 16.8 in 1995, 20 in 2007 and 17.8 in 2012. A growing lack of interest which corroborates with the constant increase in ‘abstention.
