Published the day before the Barnier government’s censorship, the texts governing aid for energy renovation work – the MaPrimeRénov’ system – ensure its extension for a year. The executive reversed course, deciding to keep the rules in force relating to “mono-gestures”, the term used to designate isolated work such as changing windows or insulating the roof. Initially, it was planned to make the implementation of a complete project, including a new heating method, compulsory from 2025 to qualify for this aid, accompanied by the obligation to carry out an energy performance diagnosis (EPD). Another reason for relief for owners: those who occupy a thermal sieve, labeled F or G on the DPE, remain eligible for “mono-gestures”. These two changes are postponed until 2026.
However, modifications are planned for aid applications submitted from January 1, 2025. Thus, the packages for wood heating equipment will drop by around 30%, indicates the Effy company. Those granted for large-scale renovations, carried out by higher-income households, are decreasing drastically. While they reached 30% of the cost of the works in 2024 in the case of a two-notch improvement in the DPE, they will be limited to 10% in 2025.
At the start of 2024, the granting of MaPrimeRénov’ was subject to stricter conditions, with the aim of encouraging large-scale renovations. But since mid-May, they have been relaxed to counter the fall in the number of files.