Definitely don’t do this before Christmas

Definitely dont do this before Christmas

Christmas is approaching and everywhere in the country there is Christmas stress with grilling ham, putting in herring, buying Christmas presents and shopping for drinks and decorations.

At the moment, it is fully traded around the country. Image source: Janerik Henriksson/TT

Some stores take advantage of some nice Christmas offers in the form of various discounts, but unlike these stores, Systembolaget does the opposite.

You may have thought to yourself that inside Systembolaget you never see any kind of SALE shelf or red signs with the text “Take three pay for two”. This is because Systembolaget wants to sell as little as possible. The same applies to how they thought about the decor inside the stores.

READ MORE: Systembolaget: This is how personnel who accidentally sell alcohol to minors are punished

– Because alcohol is not like other goods, we are not like other stores either. Simply put, you can say that what other stores do to sell more, we do the opposite. For example, we don’t have any goods on the shelves, there is no alcohol at the checkouts in our stores, but there is a “return cart” where you can easily put away drinks you no longer want to buy, says Teodor Almqvistpress officer at Systembolaget.

Systembolaget decorates in a special way to “deceive” the customers. Image source: Martina Holmberg / TT

– We also don’t have an inventory you have to go through in our stores, but you should always be able to quickly find what you want to buy and then get to the checkout without having to walk around unnecessarily, he concludes.

READ MORE: Then you will be ported from Systembolaget – can be valid for one year

Systembolaget is also closed during public holidays when the demand for alcohol increases.

Systembolaget’s call: “Don’t do this”

But for those who are out in good time and want to shop, there are trained and knowledgeable staff in stores around the country. If you want help with, for example, asking about the right white wine for the cod or which liqueur is best for the dessert – then just ask.

In the run-up to Christmas, the pressure increases on, among other things, nubbe, Christmas beer and wine that go well with Christmas food. But of course there is also another product that the Swedes love – namely mulled wine.

READ MORE: Chaos inside Systembolaget: “Leaved the store”

Many Swedes think you should have mulled wine around Christmas. Image source: Janerik Henriksson/TT

News24 talked to an employee at Systembolaget who tells us that there has started to be something of a “fear of sugar” among the Swedes, at least when it comes to drinks.

And when it comes to mulled wine in particular – then many people wonder the same thing.

– They ask if there is any mulled wine with less or no sugar at all. You can understand if you don’t prefer so much sweetness, but we believe that it is better to drink less mulled wine, says the employee and continues.

READ MORE: Systembolaget: This is how we measure whether you are too drunk to shop

– The mulled wine should be quite sweet and without the sugar in it, it doesn’t taste like mulled wine. So again, if you want less sugar, drink less mulled wine instead of trying another variety, he concludes.
