Mazan trial: “This affair has only just begun” believes journalist Hélène Devynck

Mazan trial This affair has only just begun believes journalist

Justice, the verdict fell yesterday in Avignon, in the south of France, at the historic trial of the Mazan rapes. All the defendants were found guilty after four months of hearings. Dominique Pélicot, the main accused of raping his ex-wife Gisèle, received the maximum sentence, 20 years in prison. Justice has been served. To talk about it, Hélène Devynck, journalist, author of book Impunity, published by Editions du Seuil, is, this Friday, December 20, the great international guest of the RFI morning show. “ It is the most followed trial in the entire history of French justice, throughout the world. ”, she said.

Also readMazan trial: Dominique Pelicot “declared guilty” of aggravated rape of his ex-wife Gisèle who “respects” the decision
