Google made an update to the process. New developers now need to have 12 people test their Android apps before publishing them will be.
Before publishing an Android application on the Google Play Store, developers must test their applications privately on different users. Until now, Google required new developers to test their new applications on at least 20 people within 14 days. Here is an update on the exact issue. Google now requires developers with personal accounts created after November 13, 2023 to conduct closed testing on at least 12 people within 14 days. Officially, this is being transferred: “Closed testing allows you to share your app with a large group of users under your control. This way, you can fix any issues before launching your app and make sure it complies with Google Play policy. You need to do closed testing before applying to release your app to production. At least 12 testers must be registered to your closed test when you apply for production access. They must be registered continuously for the last 14 days. After you finish installing your application, you can start a closed test. It is where you present your app to billions of users on Google Play. Before you apply to release your app to production, you must run a closed test that meets our criteria. During the application, you will be asked to answer some questions about your closed test. When you apply for production access, at least 12 testers must be enrolled in your closed test.”