Second cause of death in the world! If you have these symptoms, do not waste time

Second cause of death in the world If you have

Thoracic Surgery Specialist Opr. Dr. Volkan Yılmaz gave information about lung cancer. Saying that cancer is one of the most important health problems today, Opr. Dr. Yılmaz said, “While cancer-related deaths rank second in the world after cardiovascular diseases, the biggest cause of these deaths is recorded as lung cancer. The incidence of lung cancer increases with age and is usually seen between the ages of 50-70. “It is noteworthy that most of the risk factors in this type of cancer are preventable,” he said.


Opr stated that smoking stands out as the primary risk factor in the etiology (causes) of lung cancer. Dr. Yılmaz said, “It has been scientifically proven that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by 20 times. In addition, factors such as passive smoking, asbestos, chromium, arsenic and nickel exposure, radiation effect, radon gas inhalation, air pollution and underlying pulmonary diseases also play a role in the development of lung cancer. “The factors that determine the effect of smoking can be summarized as the age at which smoking starts, duration of consumption, daily amount and cigarette type,” he said.



Stating that most patients with lung cancer are symptomatic at the time of diagnosis, Opr. Dr. Yılmaz said, “In patients who frequently present with specific symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis (bloody sputum) and chest pain; Non-specific complaints such as fatigue, weight loss and fever may also be observed. Experts emphasize that early diagnosis of lung cancer significantly increases the success of treatment. “The developments in diagnosis and treatment techniques, minimally invasive methods and targeted treatments in recent years make a significant difference in the fight against this type of cancer,” he said.


lung cancer

Opr said that thanks to thoracoscopic (VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery) closed lung surgeries, patients feel less pain and can return to daily life faster. Dr. Yılmaz said, “In addition, these methods offer patients the opportunity to start oncological treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy in a shorter time. The treatment plan for lung cancer is largely based on the stage of the tumor. “Surgical treatment is considered the most effective method that provides the longest survival time,” he said.



Dr. Yılmaz said, “People who experience symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, chest pain, weakness, weight loss and fever should consult a specialist without delay. “It is vital to take action in order not to miss the chance of early diagnosis and surgical treatment.”


This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık.
