In September, the Public Health Authority presented new recommendations for young people’s screen time on behalf of the government.
Then it was said that children younger than two should preferably not use screens at all. Children between the ages of two and five should use a screen for no more than one hour per day. For children between the ages of six and twelve, the number is one to two. Young people between the ages of 13 and 18 should not use it for more than three hours.
On Monday, the authority presented their advice both to parents and children about how to proceed to ensure that these recommendations are followed.
This is how the recommendations must be followed
Among other things, parents are recommended to talk to their child about the so-called circadian wheel, which illustrates how much time the child spends on, for example, sleep, school and screen time. The reason is that you can then distribute your time better and get a clear picture of whether screen use has taken over.
In addition, parents should get involved in what their children do online.
– Our most important message to parents is to get involved and talk to the children about their digital lives, says Olivia Wigzell, director general at FHM, during a press conference on Monday.
As parents, in the same way that you talk about what happens at school or training, you should be able to ask about what is happening in the digital world, reasons FHM.
The Minister of Social Affairs: Go in and read
Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) urges all parents to go in and read the guidance.
– There is now practical guidance on how parents and children can think and act in order to acquire a reasonable use of digital media.