This sign on your nails may indicate a heart problem

This sign on your nails may indicate a heart problem

A potential sign not to be overlooked.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. These diseases bring together a set of disorders affecting the heart and vessels. They result from a deposit of fat on the walls of the arteries, which forms plaques called “atheroma” and which hinders the circulation of blood supplying organs such as the heart. Heart attack can be a consequence. It is associated with symptoms such as sudden pain in the chest, arm or even jaw, palpitations, etc. But there are also more discreet signs which can alert you before a cardiovascular accident occurs.

In a video posted on his Youtube channel, the English doctor James O’Donovan reveals, for example, an identifiable sign on the nails. These are small red and purple lines under the nails “which are also called “splinter hemorrhages”. They are so named because they look like small bursts of blood”specifies Dr O’Donovan. Note that these lines can be different on white skin and on black skin. “On white skin, they may appear as red or purple streaks, on black skin, they may appear more brown or black” continues the expert. Most often these lines are caused by injuries, “but if you don’t remember hurting your nail, that could be a potential sign of heart disease or other health problems.” So you have to consult.

Another sign that can alert the nails is what he calls “clubbing”. “Clubbing happens when your nails curl downward and the tips of your fingers can swell and look a bit like chopsticks.” There are many medical reasons that can explain the onset of clubbing but “One of them is heart disease, so even though it’s sometimes harmless, it’s important to get them checked out to rule out more serious problems.”continues the doctor.

However, be careful not to panic. This advice has a preventive, non-alarmist purpose. “Not all of these signs necessarily indicate heart disease, so it’s always important to consult your doctor before jumping to conclusions yourself.” While recalling that“Early detection is essential to prevent the progression of heart disease.”
