Johan Pehrson (L) says that he must “be prepared to constantly make certain re-examinations” after a question about letting the Sweden Democrats into the government.
Now the statement is being criticized by the chairman of the Liberal Youth Association.
– There is a very clear and large majority in this party who do not even want to open that door. Then it is a shame and regrettable that there was such a statement from Johan, says Anton Holmlund to Svenska Dagbladet.
The Liberals’ position is and continues to be that they will not sit in a government with the Sweden Democrats. But on Saturday, Johan Pehrson’s new words about the issue arise in an interview with Dagens Nyheter, criticism.
In the interview, Johan Pehrson underlines that the Liberals still do not think that SD should be in the government. He is then asked if he personally agrees. Then Pehrson talks about how it is common for party leaders to change over time and says that he “must be prepared to reassess.”
– Yes, that is the position of the Liberals and like Nooshi Dadgostar or every single party leader, it is clear that we represent our parties and have that as a basis. Having said that, I as party leader, and Magdalena Andersson as party leader, must be prepared to constantly make certain re-examinations – as S did about NATO or about nuclear power, he tells DN.
Receives criticism from Luf
Johan Pehrson later on Saturday himself went out on X and clarified.
“Let me be clear. The Liberals will not say yes to SD in government or release a government in which they are included. It is not only my opinion, but also the party’s decision.”
The statement has received criticism from the Liberal Youth Association. Anton Holmlund, chairman of Luf, does not think that the party leader meant to change the line, but regrets that it became so unclear that Pehrson had to go out on X and clarify.
– I don’t interpret it as a “test balloon”. I hope I don’t have to anyway. There is a very clear and large majority in this party who do not even want to open that door. Then it is a shame and regrettable that there was such a statement from Johan, he says to Svenska Dagbladet.