Battle for voting rights ahead of the elections to the Sami Parliament

100 people’s right to vote is appealed • “A way to get rid of those who don’t vote for the right party”

In May next year, the elections to the Sámi Parliament will be held, but already now a heated debate has flared up between parties with reindeer interests and those who stand outside the Sámi villages. The conflict has escalated since the right of more than 100 people to participate in the election was appealed by a member of the electoral committee – an act that the ruling party Hunting and Fishing Sami describes as a serious violation.
– This is the least we need. That we are starting to step on each other and question people’s identity, says Håkan Jonsson, chairman of the Sámi Parliament’s board and party member of Jakt och fiske Samerna.

Behind the appeal is Per Mikael Utsi, representative of the Guovssonásti party, which traditionally protects the interests of the reindeer herders. Despite repeated attempts by TV4 Nyheterna to get a comment, Utsi has chosen to refrain from a regular interview. During a short phone call, he explains his position.

– Where is the limit for letting people into Sweden? It’s the same in the Sámi Parliament and if someone thinks you should get in however you want, they can, says Per Mikael Utsi, representative of the Guovssonásti parity and member of the electoral committee.

According to the Sami Parliament Act, there are certain criteria that must be met in order to vote in the election. The person must consider himself Sami and Sami must be spoken by the person himself or by parents or grandparents in the home. That one’s parents are included in the voter’s register is also a criterion.

– I don’t think you should be able to appeal the voter’s register. Once you’ve come along, that’s it. We need to become more, not fewer, says Jennie Granberg, party member in Vuovdega – Skogssamerna and chairman of the election committee.

Fear of lost representation

The hunting and fishing Sami express concern that many of the people concerned will not be able to take the legal battle to prove their Sami identity once again. In that case, this would risk weakening the position of the non-reindeer Sami in the Sami Parliament, an issue that has long been sensitive and debated.

– My assessment is that this is a way to get rid of those who do not vote for the right party, believes Håkan Jonsson, chairman of the Sámi Parliament’s board and party member Jakt och fiske Samerna.
