Large differences between the electricity prices – then the price peaks in southern Sweden

The prices in electricity areas 3 and 4 in southern Sweden averaged SEK 2.27 and SEK 2.62 per kilowatt hour respectively on Wednesday. It is the same level as in December 2022, when electricity prices skyrocketed.

For residents in southern Sweden, it may be an idea to reduce electricity consumption between 5 and 6 p.m. when the price peaks at 5 kroner per kilowatt hour.

At the same time, the price remains at a low 2.7 öre per kilowatt hour in the northernmost part of the country during the same hour. In electricity price areas 1 and 2, prices are on average 3.2 and 1.7 öre per kilowatt hour respectively on Wednesday.

Electricity tax, VAT and electricity grid fee are also added.

A little wind in Germany pulls up prices

The reason for the large differences is that there is no wind in Germany, which means that the export of electricity from Sweden increases.

– It is the southern electricity areas in Sweden that have these export cables, that is why we see such differences, says Aida Makvandi and continues:

– There is simply not enough transmission capacity within Sweden to equalize the prices, compared to the capacity we export.

The prices go away on Thursday

According to the electricity exchange Nord Pool, prices will move away even more on Thursday. In electricity price areas 3 and 4, the average price was 8 kroner per kilowatt hour between 5 and 6 pm on Thursday afternoon.

That electricity prices differ is more common during the winter months when the demand for electricity increases.

How the prices will be in the coming winter months depends on weather conditions such as wind and temperatures.

– The water reservoirs are well filled, there is also a better situation in the gas storages in Europe which can have a dampening effect, says Aida Makvandi.
