A Card Game Is Being Developed in the League of Legends Universe

Riot Games announced that it is working on a new card game called Project K, based on the popular MOBA game League of Legends.

Riot Games announced that it is developing a new card game called Project K based on the League of Legends brand. In the trailer, game director Dave Guskin and producer Chengran Chai introduced this new project. Project K isn’t a physical version of League of Legends’ digital card game Legends of Runeterra, but it draws inspiration from it for design and environments.

Thematic Decks Exclusive to Each Champion

In Project K, each champion will receive their own thematic deck. The trailer showed off the decks of Viktor, Volibear, Yasuo and Jinx. Guskin said it was a privilege to create a League of Legends game that would appeal to a different audience.

Guskin added that these gamers are people who want to gather around the table and dive into the games, environments and characters they love with family and friends. Project K is designed as both a casual and competitive game.

The development team expects Project K to be “the ultimate social card game” and feature a competitive ecosystem as well as regular events. The card game is planned to be released regionally next year.

Riot Games also announced that the first region to experience Project K will be China. Players will be able to try various trial decks at the Teamfight Tactics tournament to be held in Macau on December 13-14, 2024.

Project K can be played in the traditional 1v1 card game format, but can also be played in groups of up to 4 people. Two Runes will be earned each turn and can be used for units and spells.

Project K will be one of the fastest developed games for Riot Games. Alongside other League of Legends spinoffs like Teamfight Tactics and Wild Rift is the fighting game 2XKO, which is scheduled to be released next year.
