the opposition launches its campaign to boycott the December 29 elections

the opposition launches its campaign to boycott the December 29

On December 29, Chadians will be called to the polls for legislative, provincial and municipal elections. While the MPS, the presidential party, launched its campaign on Saturday December 7, the opposition launched its campaign of active boycott of the vote the next day. Sunday, December 8, the Gcap collective organized a meeting with the press to publicly present its program and upcoming activities.

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With our correspondent in Ndjamena, Nadia Ben Mahfoudh

The campaign to boycott the Chadian opposition for the legislative, provincial and municipal elections on December 29 is launched. The objective? Convince Chadians not to vote, as Professor Avocksouma Djona Atchénémou, president of the Democrats party, explains: “ This is a completely unnecessary vote. We are in a country where the votes of those who vote do not count. There is no transparency and there will be no results from the polls », deciphers this one.

The results are known even before the start of the campaign, adds Doctor Nasour Koursami, leader of the Patriots. “ The seats are already distributed. Some [candidats] have even already started to use their titles of “deputies” or “honorable”, declares the latter before continuing: Why then would they waste time, energy and resources organizing a campaign if they know that they have already won and that they have an assured seat, guaranteed by the supposed president of the Republic? “.

“Chad is not a poor country, it is an impoverished country”

To encourage voters not to go to the polls in three weeks, the Gcap collective has trained 300 young people who will go out to meet Chadians. Their mission? Convince them that after several decades of power of the MPS, the presidential party, their living conditions have not improved, continues Professor Avocksouma Djona Atchénémou. “ We are in a country which has neither water nor electricity, where the public school is privatized, where the public hospital is privatized, where there are no roads, no bridge, where there are no nothing except a poverty rate which is around 50% of the population, lists the president of the Democrats who concludes: Absolutely nothing has been done. THE Chad is not a poor country, it is an impoverished country. »

Launched in the capital, Ndjamena, the campaign to actively boycott the elections must gradually extend to the country’s 23 provinces.

Also readChad: campaign kicks off for legislative and local elections on December 29
