Record number of conversations about nitrous oxide – expected to be more in the New Year

The poison information center receives more and more calls about people who have abused nitrous oxide – and the calls from teenagers have increased the most.
– It is often about mental and physical nerve damage but also about acute injuries, says Jenny Bång Arhammar, director of operations at the Poison Information Center in a press release.

Today it is legal to both sell and buy nitrous oxide in Sweden and there is no age limit, but repeated use of nitrous oxide can have serious health effects.

In 2024, the number of calls to the Poison Information Center about nitrous oxide-related injuries has doubled compared to last year. The biggest increase is among teenagers aged 15 to 19, where calls have more than doubled from 2023.

Teenagers are especially vulnerable

A total of 1,100 people called in this year and we expect to receive even more calls in connection with Christmas and New Year.

– We are concerned that so many people continue to use nitrous oxide for intoxicating purposes. Of particular concern is the increase in talk of teenagers being harmed. We see that the number of hospital-related questions regarding teenagers aged 15–19 has gone from 68 last year to 162 this year, says Jenny Bång Arhammar, director of operations at the Poison Information Center in a press release.

Using nitrous oxide can have serious consequences, especially if you use it often. This increases the risk of nerve damage.

Blood clots and nerve damage

Anyone who repeatedly uses nitrous oxide runs the risk of loss of sensation in the arms and legs, difficulty walking, long-term memory disturbances and confusion. You can also get blood clots in the brain and lungs. Some people end up in wheelchairs or suffer such serious nerve damage that they urinate on themselves.

– A total of 20–25 calls a week are about nitrous oxide. The majority of calls come from hospitals, but users themselves also call in. When healthcare calls, it can be a question of really serious symptoms that cause the person to be admitted to hospital. It often involves psychological and physical nerve damage, but also acute injuries such as unpleasant cold sores on the thighs, lips and in the mouth and throat, says Jenny Bång Arhammar.

There are suspicions that people who use nitrous oxide can develop a psychological addiction. For those who think they have a problem with nitrous oxide, Jenny Bång Arhammar has an invitation.

– If you use nitrous oxide regularly and find it difficult to stop, contact healthcare for help and support.

The government is now preparing a bill that would make it illegal to sell nitrous oxide in large quantities to private individuals and for intoxicating purposes. In addition, people under the age of 18 should not be allowed to buy nitrous oxide at all, according to TT.

In the investigation, it is written that the earliest the law can enter into force is January 1, 2026.
